Monday 12 February 2024

Draft Outline for Course Project

Project by : Kanwaljit Gill

Bringing Yoga into Math Classrooms

Grade Level : Intermediate (sd42)

Outline : 

  • I am preparing a resource that educators of intermediate grade level can adapt in their own classrooms in terms of integrating the practice of yoga in their classrooms and exploring the various concepts of mathematics and science that tie along with different asanas.

  • Cross-curricular - Physical Education, Mathematics and Science

  • Mathematical Concepts - Lines, Triangles, Angles, Symmetry, Sequence and patterns, Fixed point theory

  • Science concepts - Joints and movement of joints

  • Physical Education - Whole body fitness and movement

  • Pedagogy with focus on learning through movement and whole body collaboration 

  • Outdoor Education ( Building connection with mother nature) - practising yoga outdoors

  • I am still figuring out the exact details, but my broader vision is that students will be introduced to a sequence of yoga asanas e.g Sun Salutation sequence - and they will learn to mathematically analyze the various different poses in the sequences in terms of angles formed by different body joints. As a certified 200 hr yoga instructor, I am very excited about being able to tie my love and knowledge of yoga into the math classroom. 

Annotated Bibliography:

Bhambhani,A. (2022). Yoga asans with correct mathematical movement for optimal health benefits. Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, 9(2), 814-841.

In this article by Dr. Ambika Bhambhani, the focus is on using mathematical concepts to improve and correct the yoga poses for optimal results for mind and body regulation. Different yoga asanas (poses) have been described in detail to highlight the concepts of math, particularly geometry (angles, lines and shapes) involved in body movements and poses.

Chezhiyan, P., & P, D. (2019). Joint-angle-based yoga posture recognition for prevention of falls among older people. Data Technologies and Applications, 53(4), 528-545.

The focus of this paper is on identifying angle limits of sitting and standing postures with a focus on identifying parameters so as not to overstress the hips and joints. The authors have designed a posture identification framework comprising the sitting and standing postures that are fundamental to all yoga asanas, using joint angle measurements.

Cox, D. G. (2018). Yoga's flexibility in math. Strategies (Reston, Va.), 31(4), 45-49.

This paper by Dannon Cox (2018) highlights the importance of integrating physical education in Math classes to help support the development of holistic programming in our education system. In this article, various examples have been provided in the form of a series of illustrations that demonstrate basic maths skills in two dimensional drawings of yoga poses.

Kelton, M. L., & Ma, J. Y. (2018). Reconfiguring mathematical settings and activity through multi-party, whole-body collaboration. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 98(2), 177-196.

This  article  by Kelton & Ma describes the two case studies which involve using movement and whole body collaborations to engage learners in mathematics. The findings from the study highlight how the whole body collaboration can transform mathematical learning both outside and inside the classroom. 

Omkar, S. N., Mour, M., & Das, D. (2011). A mathematical model of effects on specific joints during practice of the sun salutation – A sequence of yoga postures. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, 15(2), 201-208.

In this article, one of the most common yoga sequences - the 10 poses of sun salutations has been analysed for its clinical benefits. A mathematical model has been developed in terms of angles formed by movements of joints during the sun salutation sequence based on rigid body mechanics.

Subedi, K., Panthi, D., Jha, K., & Bhatta, C. R. (2021). role and importance of sthira bindu (fixed point) in yoga philosophy. International Journal of Research - Granthaalayah, 9(6), 311-329.

This article analyses the art of yoga from a philosophical perspective keeping the practice of meditation at the forefront. The role of fixed (sthira bindu) in yoga meditation has been investigated in this paper from a mathematical perspective (through the lens of The fixed point theory - one of the learning theorems of mathematical perspective).



  1. This sounds really interesting! I have very little yoga experience, but I was wondering if having students make quick sketches of each other in their poses would help them to "see" their angles? I once had the art teacher come to my class and teach my students how to make 30s sketches of her posing. The focus was on proportions and general shapes of the body, but I could see it extending into the angles formed as well. I look forward to seeing the completed project!

  2. Thank you. Thats a great idea.
